Mayilon & Security

At Mayilon, data security and quality is an integral part of our business principles. We understand the importance of data and its associated security factors. We assure you that, data security has been executed at all levels through advanced process management and technology.

Mayilon recognizes the significance of protecting the resources and information assets of our clients. We constantly keep innovating and developing information security management to monitor the concern customarily. We devise and execute a comprehensive system to manage any kind of risks to your information assets. Our security procedures have become benchmarks in the industry.

Steps We Follow to Ensure Security

We believe in quality and process oriented systems. We understand that it is essential for our growth and to be recognized and trusted as a global outsourcing company.

  • Mayilon Software Technologies’ production areas are protected by camera surveillance which are digitized and guarded by a professional security force around the clock. Our security systems ensure that materials can cannot be brought in or out of our facility without going through a secure process.

  • All our employees strictly adhere to a non-disclosure privacy agreement and there is no entry for unauthorized people into the office. Employees are given a secure password to access their workstations and an ID card that gives them access only to selected areas in the premises.

  • Job responsibilities and workflow are structured in such a way that there are no overlapping areas of work. Our new state-of-the-art production facility is a highly secure zone with physical access, permitted only through biometric and other high-tech access control systems.

  • Every project begins with a comprehensive conflict check procedure using best practices in the industry. The relevant information is collected to make the checks and returns have been cleared. The employees are well trained on confidentiality and transaction policies and any communication is dealt with only within the pertinent group. Physical barriers are established to isolate one team from another when working on different clients. All assignments are discussed in private meetings and files are stored on pre-programmed systems that allow access of a specific client only to the particular team. Once a project is completed, all materials pertaining to that are destroyed.